Discusses the SVZ sum rules and their application in quantum field theory, focusing on trans-series and non-perturbative corrections.
Covers gauge theories, modern particle physics, the standard model, and field content.
Covers Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), instantons, Feynman rules, and gauge theories in modern particle physics.
Discusses the SVZ method for calculating non-perturbative corrections in quantum field theory.
Covers symmetry breaking and its role in generating magnetic fields in cosmology.
Explores Goldstone bosons and the Higgs mechanism, revealing how spontaneous symmetry breaking generates mass for gauge bosons.
Explores the Renormalization Group in field theory, discussing scaling functions, critical exponents, and Gaussian fixed points.
Covers the basics of statistical field theory, focusing on Ising models and the Ginsburg-Landau theory.
Explores the formal aspects of the Higgs mechanism, covering mass terms, symmetry breaking, and the standard model Higgs boson.
Covers the formal aspects of the Higgs mechanism, explaining mass terms for scalar and gauge bosons through symmetry breaking.