This course will teach operating systems and networks in an integrated fashion,emphasising the fundamental concepts and techniques that make their interaction possible/practical. Core lectures will be
This course completes the overview of computer architecture started on the first year (CS-173 DSD).
Multiprocessors are basic building blocks for all computer systems. This course covers the architecture and organization of modern multiprocessors, prevalent accelerators (e.g., GPU, TPU), and datacen
This course explores hardware-software co-design techniques to develop heterogeneous multi-core embedded systems running Linux on FPGAs. The course explores high-level synthesis tools (HLS) to design
Hardware-software co-design is a well known concept in embedded system design.It is also a concept required in designing FPGA-accelerators in data-centers.This course teaches how to transform algorith
Microcontrôleurs couvre le fonctionnement interne d'un microcontrôleur, des notions de base d'architecture de processeur et de système informatique ainsi que les interfaces de microcontrôleurs, et pro
Microcontrôleurs et conception de systèmes numériques couvre le fonctionnement interne d'un microcontrôleur, des notions de base d'architecture de processeur et de système informatique ainsi que les i
The course studies techniques to exploit Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP) statically and dynamically. It also addresses some aspects of the design of domain-specific accelerators. Finally, it explo
To efficiently program embedded systems an understanding of their architectures is required. After following this course students will be able to take an existing SoC, understand its architecture, and
This hands-on course teaches the tools & methods used by data scientists, from researching solutions to scaling up
prototypes to Spark clusters. It exposes the students to the entire data science pipe