Wigner distribution functionThe Wigner distribution function (WDF) is used in signal processing as a transform in time-frequency analysis. The WDF was first proposed in physics to account for quantum corrections to classical statistical mechanics in 1932 by Eugene Wigner, and it is of importance in quantum mechanics in phase space (see, by way of comparison: Wigner quasi-probability distribution, also called the Wigner function or the Wigner–Ville distribution).
Gabor waveletGabor wavelets are wavelets invented by Dennis Gabor using complex functions constructed to serve as a basis for Fourier transforms in information theory applications. They are very similar to Morlet wavelets. They are also closely related to Gabor filters. The important property of the wavelet is that it minimizes the product of its standard deviations in the time and frequency domain. Put another way, the uncertainty in information carried by this wavelet is minimized.
Transfer matrixIn applied mathematics, the transfer matrix is a formulation in terms of a block-Toeplitz matrix of the two-scale equation, which characterizes refinable functions. Refinable functions play an important role in wavelet theory and finite element theory.
Linear canonical transformationIn Hamiltonian mechanics, the linear canonical transformation (LCT) is a family of integral transforms that generalizes many classical transforms. It has 4 parameters and 1 constraint, so it is a 3-dimensional family, and can be visualized as the action of the special linear group SL2(R) on the time–frequency plane (domain). As this defines the original function up to a sign, this translates into an action of its double cover on the original function space.
Quadrature mirror filterIn digital signal processing, a quadrature mirror filter is a filter whose magnitude response is the mirror image around of that of another filter. Together these filters, first introduced by Croisier et al., are known as the quadrature mirror filter pair. A filter is the quadrature mirror filter of if . The filter responses are symmetric about : In audio/voice codecs, a quadrature mirror filter pair is often used to implement a filter bank that splits an input signal into two bands.