HUM-226: Wellbeing and Planetary BoundariesL'objectif de ce cours est de donner une compréhension globale des enjeux de la durabilité et de ses implications. Que signifie "durabilité" ? Comment est-elle mesurée ? Comment l'atteindre ?
BIO-372: MicrobiologyThis course will provide an introduction to fundamental concepts in microbiology. Special emphasis will be given to the surprising and often counter-intuitive physical world inhabited by microorganism
ENV-411: Ecohydrological modelingThis course provides the theoretical basis for understanding and modeling the interactions between the hydrologic cycle, vegetation, soil, climate, and human society.
ENV-220: Fundamentals in ecologyThe students will learn the fundamentals in ecology with the goal to perceive the environment beyond its physical and chemical characteristics. Starting from basic concepts, they will acquire mechanis
ENV-509: Applied wastewater engineeringThis course on applied wastewater treatment focuses on engineering and scientific aspects to achieve high effluent water quality and to handle wastes and air emissions generated in wastewater treatmen
ENG-400: Water quality modelingThis course builds on environmental chemistry and microbiology taken in previous courses. The emphasis is on quantification using the public domain package, PHREEQC, which is an excellent computation
ENV-426: Fluvial biogeosciencesStream and river ecosystems are increasingly deteriorated owing to global change and climate change. Students will understand basic physical, chemical and biological processes in streams and rivers, a