HUM-125(b): Global issues: health BLe cours présente l'enjeu mondial de la santé. Il aborde les défis posés par l'innovation biomédicale, les maladies infectieuses et neuropsychiatriques. L'approche interdisciplinaire intègre les SHS e
AR-485: Political economy of designPolitical Economy of Design (PED) seeks to position and discuss architecture in relation to the world of production, economic interests and community benefits or decisions, at a local and global scale
HUM-402: Experimental history of science IThe course allows students to learn by doing about the history of science, and the role played by experimentation, technical skills or material objects in the production of knowledge. Students will ex
HUM-466: Experimental history of science IIThe course allows students to learn by doing about the history of science, and the role played by experimentation, technical skills or material objects in the production of knowledge. Students will ex
AR-672: Theory or Practice ? Research by designThe seminar focuses on the particular, still little understood, type of research, done "through" design. It debates on its relevance within doctoral studies thanks to the curriculum and experience of
MICRO-504: Photonic micro- and nanosystemsThis course aims at providing engineering and design guidelines for selected Photonic Micro- and Nanosystems. In particular, Optical MEMS and Integrated Photonics are reviewed. Standard fabrication pr