CH-250: Mathematical methods in chemistryThis course consists of two parts. The first part covers basic concepts of molecular symmetry and the application of group theory to describe it. The second part introduces Laplace transforms and Four
ENG-209: Data science for engineers with PythonCe cours est divisé en deux partie. La première partie présente le langage Python et les différences notables entre Python et C++ (utilisé dans le cours précédent ICC). La seconde partie est une intro
PHYS-314: Quantum physics IIThe aim of this course is to familiarize the student with the concepts, methods and consequences of quantum physics.
FIN-406: MacrofinanceThis course provides students with a working knowledge of macroeconomic models that explicitly incorporate financial markets. The goal is to develop a broad and analytical framework for analyzing the
MICRO-435: Quantum and nanocomputingThe course teaches non von-Neumann architectures. The first part of the course deals with quantum computing, sensing, and communications. The second focuses on field-coupled and conduction-based nanoc
CS-119(c): Information, Computation, CommunicationL'objectif de ce cours est d'introduire les étudiants à la pensée algorithmique, de les familiariser avec les fondamentaux de l'Informatique et de développer une première compétence en programmation (
EE-548: Audio engineeringThis lecture is oriented towards the study of audio engineering, room acoustics, sound propagation, and sound radiation from sources and acoustic antennas. The learning outcomes will be the techniques