AR-402(ah): Studio MA2 (Malterre-Barthes)This studio explores construction materials, their origins and supply chains, the norms that regulate their use, and deploys that as a brief to explore how a post-extractive architecture could emerge
AR-302(ah): Studio BA6 (Malterre-Barthes)This studio explores construction materials, their origins and supply chains, the norms that regulate their use, and deploys that as a brief to explore how a post-extractive architecture could emerge
PENS-318: Border ForensicsThe course will introduce students to different forms of violence related to the existence of state borders and social boundaries, focusing on particular situations in Switzerland, and the way spatial
HUM-230: Gender and representationCe cours contextualise le genre dans nos pratiques quotidiennes, en fournit une critique pour exposer les lignes de forces qui le traversent et les hiérarchies qu'il crée. Les étudiant-e-s développero
HUM-416: Men/machines ICet enseignement croise des approches culturelles (notamment dans les domaines littéraires ou artistiques), sociales et scientifiques pour penser les enjeux, les perspectives et les problèmes que soul
AR-301(o): Studio BA5 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit
AR-302(o): Studio BA6 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit
AR-402(o): Studio MA2 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit
AR-401(o): Studio MA1 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit