

In 7-dimensional geometry, a 7-simplex is a self-dual regular 7-polytope. It has 8 vertices, 28 edges, 56 triangle faces, 70 tetrahedral cells, 56 5-cell 5-faces, 28 5-simplex 6-faces, and 8 6-simplex 7-faces. Its dihedral angle is cos−1(1/7), or approximately 81.79°. It can also be called an octaexon, or octa-7-tope, as an 8-facetted polytope in 7-dimensions. The name octaexon is derived from octa for eight facets in Greek and -ex for having six-dimensional facets, and -on. Jonathan Bowers gives an octaexon the acronym oca. This configuration matrix represents the 7-simplex. The rows and columns correspond to vertices, edges, faces, cells, 4-faces, 5-faces and 6-faces. The diagonal numbers say how many of each element occur in the whole 7-simplex. The nondiagonal numbers say how many of the column's element occur in or at the row's element. This self-dual simplex's matrix is identical to its 180 degree rotation. There are many lower symmetry constructions of the 7-simplex. Some are expressed as join partitions of two or more lower simplexes. The symmetry order of each join is the product of the symmetry order of the elements, and raised further if identical elements can be interchanged. The Cartesian coordinates of the vertices of an origin-centered regular octaexon having edge length 2 are: More simply, the vertices of the 7-simplex can be positioned in 8-space as permutations of (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1). This construction is based on facets of the 8-orthoplex. This polytope is a facet in the uniform tessellation 331 with Coxeter-Dynkin diagram: This polytope is one of 71 uniform 7-polytopes with A7 symmetry.
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