CS-213: Human computer interactionLa discipline de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (ou HCI : Human-Computer Interaction) vise à systématiquement placer le facteur humain dans la conception de systèmes interactifs.
DH-406: Machine learning for DHThis course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and imple
AR-301(t): Studio BA5 (Kueng et Caputo)La Vita è Bella engages with the question of how people appropriate their surroundings in the private and public sphere. How do we adopt and intervene in this world? By means of built interventions, 1
AR-401(t): Studio MA1 (Kueng & Caputo)La Vita è Bella engages with the question of how people appropriate their surroundings in the private and public sphere. How do we adopt and intervene in this world? By means of built interventions, 1
AR-402(e): Studio MA2 (Weinand)Etudier la réhabilitation de bâtiments remarquables en portant une attention particulière à la matérialité et aux détails constructifs. Investiguer le potentiel des outils digitaux pour mieux connecte
AR-313: Expressive figurationL'enseignement transmet les fondements théoriques et introduit les techniques opératoires de la représentation. L'objectif principal est de donner aux étudiants des outils qui leur permettent de défin
AR-210: Principles of architectural gestaltungL'enseignement transmet les fondements théoriques et introduit les techniques opératoires de la représentation. L'objectif principal est de donner aux étudiants des outils qui leur permettent de défin
BIO-382: Neuroscience for engineersThis optional course provides students who consider a specialization in Neuroengineering during their Master with a very broad overview of the many practical applications in the field. It should ensur
AR-620: Unearthing traces - Part 1«Unearthing Traces» proposes to explore memory processes, power structures in archival practices in relation to built environments and
material traces, providing an interdisciplinary frame allowing fo