MGT-414: Technology & innovation strategyThis course focuses on the economic and organizational conditions that shape technological innovation by firms. The intent is for students to learn core concepts that can make innovation initiatives
MGT-494: Economics for challenging timesWe address societal grand challenges (inequality, climate change ...) using quantitative tools for analyzing market-oriented economies. We aim at designing incentive-compatible policy interventions an
AR-402(ah): Studio MA2 (Malterre-Barthes)This studio explores construction materials, their origins and supply chains, the norms that regulate their use, and deploys that as a brief to explore how a post-extractive architecture could emerge
AR-302(ah): Studio BA6 (Malterre-Barthes)This studio explores construction materials, their origins and supply chains, the norms that regulate their use, and deploys that as a brief to explore how a post-extractive architecture could emerge
HUM-471: Economic growth and sustainability IThis course examines growth from various angles: economic growth, growth in the use of resources, need for growth, limits to growth, sustainable growth, and, if time permits, population growth and gro
MATH-476: Optimal transportThe first part is devoted to Monge and Kantorovitch problems, discussing the existence and the properties of the optimal plan. The second part introduces the Wasserstein distance on measures and devel
MGT-454: Principles of microeconomicsThe course allows students to get familiarized with the basic tools and concepts of modern microeconomic analysis. Based on graphical reasoning and analytical calculus, it constantly links to real eco
MGT-400: Corporate strategyWhy are some firms more successful than others? This is the fundamental question of strategy. The course aims to familiarize the student with the most important themes relevant for corporate strategy.
HUM-249: Competing with ChinaLe cours sensibilise les étudiant·e·s aux implications de l'émergence de la Chine comme puissance économique et technologique en portant une réflexion critique sur les défis posés par cette transition