Alexandre ButtlerI am a honorary professor at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale, Lausanne - EPFL. Up to 2019, I was a joint-professor between EPFL (Head of the laboratory of Ecological Systems - ECOS) and the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL for Forest, Snow and Landscape (Head of the research group Pasture Woodlands and Wetlands) and head of the Site WSL-Lausanne. I was also professor at the laboratory of Chrono-Environnement (UMR CNRS 6249) of the University of Franche-Comté, Besançon (France). I am author or co-author of over 160 papers in international ISI cited peer-reviewed journals.
Rita Bütler SauvainFunctions
Since 2005: Scientific collaborator,
WSL (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research)
19972005: Scientific collaborator, EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne), Laboratory of Ecosystem Management
1996: Biologist,
SFFN (Service des forêts, de la faune et de la nature du canton de Vaud)
, Lausanne
1991-1992: Lecturer and project leader,
VŜST Technical University
, Liberec, Czechia
1989-1991: Teacher for natural sciences,
KKSS (Kath. Kantonssekundarschule)
KSBG (Kantonsschule am Burggraben)
, St. Gallen and
NTB (Interstaatliche Hochschule für Technik)
, Buchs
2003: Ph.D. degree EPFL,
Dead wood in managed forests: how much and how much is enough? Development of a snag-quantification method by remote sensing and GIS and snag targets based on Three-toed woodpeckers' habitat requirements.
Hintermann&Weber research award
1995: Master degree in Environmental Sciences, EPFL
1989: Diploma for teaching of natural sciences - mathematics,
PHSG (Pädagogische Hochschule)
, St. Gallen
1984: Baccalaureate Latin, St. Gallen. Award for best matura.
Devis TuiaI come from Ticino and studied in Lausanne, between UNIL and EPFL. After my PhD at UNIL in remote sensing, I was postdoc in Valencia (Spain), Boulder (CO) and EPFL, working on model adaptation and prior knowledge integration in machine learning. In 2014 I became Research Assistant Professor at University of Zurich, where I started the 'multimodal remote sensing' group. In 2017, I joined Wageningen University (NL), where I was professor of the GeoInformation Science and Remote Sensing Laboratory. Since 2020, I joined EPFL Valais, to start the ECEO lab, working at the interface between Earth observation, machine learning and environmental sciences.