BIO-483: Neuroscience: behavior and cognitionThe goal is to guide students into the essential topics of Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience. The challenge for the student in this course is to integrate the diverse knowledge acquired from those
DH-401: Digital musicologyThis course will introduce students to the central topics in digital musicology and core theoretical approaches and methods. In the practical part, students will carry out a practical project.
HUM-421: L'(in)action pro-environnementale IICet enseignement de Psychologie Sociale concerne l'étude des mécanismes cognitifs, motivationnels et sociaux impliqués dans le changement des comportements pro-environnementaux. Les étudiant-e-s pourr
NX-423: Translational neuroengineeringThis course integrates knowledge in basic, systems, clinical and computational neuroscience, and engineering with the goal of translating this integrated knowledge into the development of novel method
MICRO-201: Mechanism Design IILe second semestre du cours « Conception de mécanismes » développe les capacités créatrices de conception appliquées au domaine des mécanismes microtechniques. Il s'attache tant aux connaissances (com
HUM-403: Experimental cognitive psychology IThe media frequently report on trendy studies that have been conducted in experimental cognitive psychology, and which inform the public on "human functioning" and its causes. We teach students basic
BIO-620: Neuroeconomics / Decision NeuroscienceThis course covers three major topics introducing: (1) fMRI methods, experimental designs and fMRI analysis; (2) recent research on cognitive and decision neuroscience in humans; (3) neuroimaging stud
HUM-239: Psychology of emotionOn s'intéresse ici à nos réactions émotionnelles : comment elles émergent ? Quelles sont les théories du domaine ? Comment elles influencent notre quotidien ? Nous nous pencherons aussi sur les phénom
HUM-358: Memory sciencesDécrire les processus cognitifs et cérébraux à l'œuvre dans les processus de mémoire et la formation de l'individualité. Identifier les différences et les similitudes entre approches neurobiologiques