Seventh grade (also 7th Grade or Grade 7) is the seventh year of formal or compulsory education. The seventh grade is typically the second or third year of middle school. Children in seventh grade are around 12–13 years old. Different terms and numbers are used in other parts of the world. In Argentina, 7th grade is the final grade of primary school. In Australia, Year 7 is the first year of secondary school. It is actually the eighth year of schooling (Prep/Foundation, 1 to 6, then Year 7). In Australia, Year 7 students are aged 12–13 years old. In Belgium, the 7th grade is the first year of high school. When reaching the age of 12 or 13, the children go from primary school (“basisschool”) to secondary school (“middelbare school”). The 7th grade is a warm up for the rest of the high school period. It is also used to reference students their capability, to make sure they belong to the right level of education. Students here learn the languages Dutch, French and English (this is their first year learning English) in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders), and learn French or German and can choose between Dutch, English, German or French in the southern and German part of Belgium, just as their own language (Dutch, French or German) skills. Other classes in the 7th grade are: Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Art & Music, Geography, Physics, Physical education (gym), Social studies, Religion (depends on the school itself) and Computer science (Computer science in 7th grade means learning to work with computers properly, though most of the student already have a good understanding of how to use computers). Belgium uses a system, where specific education is accommodated in the high school period, which also is chosen by the student (TSO, BSO, KSO) before they choose to go to work or continuing at a university. In Brazil, the time for elementary school was recently raised from 8 to 9 years, and the minimum age required to enter the seventh grade was not changed. The students are usually between 11 and 13.