MSE-431: Physical chemistry of polymeric materialsThe student has a basic understanding of the physical and physicochemical principles which result from the chainlike structure of synthetic macromolecules. The student can predict major characteristic
ChE-310: Fundamentals of separation processesThe course will cover fundamentals concepts of separation processes involving chemical equilibrium and mass transfer. Students will design separation processes widely used in the industry, for the sep
CH-223: Organometallic chemistryBasic organometallic chemistry will be covered in this course.
- Structure and bonding in organometallic compounds.
- reactivity of organometallic compounds, stoichiometric reactions, catalyzed rea
PHYS-106(i): General physics : thermodynamicsLe but du cours de Physique générale est de donner à l'étudiant les notions de base nécessaires à la compréhension des phénomènes physiques. L'objectif est atteint lorsque l'étudiant est capable de pr
CH-120: Advanced general chemistry IIAcquisition des notions fondamentales liées à la réactivité des molécules organiques, identification de la structure de petites molécules organiques au moyen des techniques de spectrométrie de masse,
MSE-425: Soft matterThe first part of the course is devoted to the self-assembly of molecules. In the second part we discuss basic physical chemical principles of polymers in solutions, at interfaces, and in bulk. Finall
CH-442: Photochemistry IThis course presents the theoretical bases of electronic spectroscopy and molecular photophysics. The principles of the reactivity of excited states of molecules and solids under irradiation are detai
CH-110: Advanced general chemistry ILe cours comporte deux parties. Les bases de la thermodynamique des équilibres et de la cinétique des réactions sont introduites dans l'une d'elles. Les premières notions de chimie quantique sur les é