ChE-201: Introduction to chemical engineeringIntroduction to Chemical Engineering is an introductory course that provides a basic overview of the chemical engineering field. It addresses the formulation and solution of material and energy balanc
ChE-311: Biochemical engineeringThis course introduces the basic principles of bioprocess engineering and highlights the similarities and differences with chemical engineering. Without going into the fundamentals, it proposes an ove
EE-470: Power systems dynamicsThis course focuses on the dynamic behavior of a power system. It presents the basic definitions, concepts and models for angular stability analysis with reference to transient stability, steady state
ChE-309: Chemical engineering practiceCe cours fournit aux étudiants l'expérience pratique avec les "opérations unitaires" simples basées sur le transfert de chaleur et de masse. Les étudiants développent la capacité d'augmenter l'échelle
ME-422: Multivariable controlThis course covers methods for the analysis and control of systems with multiple inputs and outputs, which are ubiquitous in modern technology and industry. Special emphasis will be placed on discrete
FIN-406: MacrofinanceThis course provides students with a working knowledge of macroeconomic models that explicitly incorporate financial markets. The goal is to develop a broad and analytical framework for analyzing the
ME-271: Fluid flowDans ce cours introductif à la physique des fluides, l'étudiant commence par apprendre, au moyen de bilans de masse et de contraintes, à décrire et à prédire les écoulements types. Ces méthodes sont a