ENV-200: Environmental chemistryThis course provides students with an overview over the basics of environmental chemistry. This includes the chemistry of natural systems, as well as the fate of anthropogenic chemicals in natural sys
AR-401(an): Studio MA1 (Truwant et Rodet)Modernism has instilled within us a fear for leaks, consequently fostering a desire for a hygienic, comfortable, and
hermetic environment. We live in a watertight vessel. However, in the event of a gl
ENV-300: Pollutants analysis in the environmentÉvaluation de la qualité d'une rivière en utilisant des méthodes d'observation ainsi que des méthodes physico-chimiques et biologiques. Collecte d'échantillons sur le terrain et analyses de laboratoir
AR-301(an): Studio BA5 (Truwant et Rodet)Modernism has instilled within us a fear for leaks, consequently fostering a desire for a hygienic, comfortable, and hermetic environment. We live in a watertight vessel. However, in the event of a gl
PHYS-105: Advanced physics II (thermodynamics)Ce cours présente la thermodynamique en tant que théorie permettant une description d'un grand nombre de phénomènes importants en physique, chimie et ingéniere, et d'effets de transport. Une introduc
ENG-433: Food chemistryPrésentation des propriétés, de la fonctionnalité et des réactions spécifiques des constituants principaux des denrées alimentaires : eau, lipides, hydrates de carbone, protéines, vitamines, sels miné
AR-302(an): Studio BA6 (Truwant et Rodet)Together, we will continue our exploration of the theme of water by building a set of fountains that we will later attempt to integrate into a domestic project for the port of Basel. The focus will be
AR-402(an): Studio MA2 (Truwant et Rodet)Together, we will continue our exploration of the theme of water by building a set of fountains that we will later attempt to integrate into a domestic project for the port of Basel. The focus will be
PENS-225: RhonescapeRHONEscape aims at realizing the necessary interdisciplinary educational background of the problematics affecting highly-corrected large rivers, by examining riverine ecological, hydrological and morp