BIO-603(AA): Practical - Ablasser LabPattern recognition pathways in innate immunity.
The course aims to teach students about approaches to study mechanisms of innate immune recognition of pathogens.
BIOENG-399: ImmunoengineeringImmunoengineering is an emerging field where engineering principles are grounded in immunology. This course provides students a broad overview of how engineering approaches can be utilized to study im
BIO-310: ImmunologyCe cours décrit le fonctionnement du système immunitaire humain et les bases immunologiques de la vaccination, de la transplantation, de l'immunothérapie, et de l'allergie. Il présente aussi le rôle d
BIO-638: Practical - Lemaitre LabDrosophila immunity.
Give students a feel for some of the approaches pursued to understand mechanisms underlying cell division innate immunity in Drosophila.
BIO-472: Cancer biology IIThe course covers in detail the interactions of cancer cells with their environment with an emphasis on tumor-angiogenesis, inflammation, adaptive and innate immunity and cancer-induced immune suppres
BIOENG-110: General BiologyLe but du cours est de fournir un aperçu général de la biologie des cellules et des organismes. Nous en discuterons dans le contexte de la vie des cellules et des organismes, en mettant l'accent sur l
BIO-392: OncologyThis course provides a comprehensive overview of the biology of cancer, illustrating the mechanisms that cancer cells use to grow and disseminate at the expense of normal tissues and organs.
MSE-212: Biology for engineersThis course consists of an introduction to biology and more particularly to biology as a multidisciplinary field, emphasizing
natural examples of materials engineering. It should therefore allow engin