MICRO-453: Robotics practicalsThe goal of this lab series is to practice the various theoretical frameworks acquired in the courses on a variety of robots, ranging from industrial robots to autonomous mobile robots, to robotic dev
MICRO-451: Applied and industrial roboticsThis course is a real contact with industrial robotic applications. Components and mechanisms are reminded. The fields of microtechnical assembly and packaging are treated. CTOs from established compa
MICRO-201: Mechanism Design IILe second semestre du cours « Conception de mécanismes » développe les capacités créatrices de conception appliquées au domaine des mécanismes microtechniques. Il s'attache tant aux connaissances (com
HUM-402: Experimental history of science IThe course allows students to learn by doing about the history of science, and the role played by experimentation, technical skills or material objects in the production of knowledge. Students will ex
HUM-444: Contemporary Japan IIntroduction into the culture of Japan - its thought and way of life - designed to foster future study of the archipelago. We elucidate the specificities of a Japanese identity that is imbued with bot
ME-428: Data-driven design & fabrication methodsThere is an increasing need for data-driven methods for automated design and fabrication of complex mechanical systems. This course covers methods for encoding the design space, optimization and sear
CS-213: Human computer interactionLa discipline de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (ou HCI : Human-Computer Interaction) vise à systématiquement placer le facteur humain dans la conception de systèmes interactifs.