
Hormel Foods

Hormel Foods Corporation is an American food processing company founded in 1891 in Austin, Minnesota, by George A. Hormel as George A. Hormel & Company. The company originally focused on the packaging and selling of ham, sausage and other pork, chicken, beef and lamb products to consumers, adding Spam in 1937. By the 1980s, Hormel began offering a wider range of packaged and refrigerated foods. The company changed its name to Hormel Foods Corporation in 1993 and uses the Hormel brand on many of its products; the company's other brands include Planters, Columbus Craft Meats, Dinty Moore, Jennie-O, and Skippy. The company's products are available in 80 countries. The company was founded as George A. Hormel & Company in Austin, Minnesota, by George A. Hormel in 1891. It changed its name to Hormel Foods in 1993. George A. Hormel (born 1860 in Buffalo, New York) worked in a Chicago slaughterhouse before becoming a traveling wool and hide buyer. His travels took him to Austin and he decided to settle there. He borrowed 500andopenedameatbusiness.Hormelhandledtheproductionsideofthebusinessandhispartner,AlbertFriedrich,handledtheretail.Theirpartnershipdissolvedin1891asHormelstartedhisownmeatpackingoperationinnortheastAustininacreamerybuildingontheCedarRiver.Tomakeendsmeetinthoseearlydays,Hormelcontinuedtotradeinhides,eggs,wool,andpoultry.Thenamewasfirstusedin1903.Inthefirstdecadeofthe20thcenturydistributioncenterswereopenedinSt.Paul,Minneapolis,Duluth,SanAntonio,Dallas,Chicago,Atlanta,andBirmingham.In1915,HormelbegansellingdrysausagesunderthenamesofCedarCervelat,HolsteinerandNoxallSalami.Hormelproductsbeganappearinginnationalmagazines,suchasGoodHousekeeping,asearlyas1916.In1921,whenGeorgessonJayHormelreturnedfromserviceintheWorldWarI,heuncoveredthatassistantcontrollerCyThomsonhadembezzled500 and opened a meat business. Hormel handled the production side of the business and his partner, Albert Friedrich, handled the retail. Their partnership dissolved in 1891 as Hormel started his own meat packing operation in northeast Austin in a creamery building on the Cedar River. To make ends meet in those early days, Hormel continued to trade in hides, eggs, wool, and poultry. The name was first used in 1903. In the first decade of the 20th century distribution centers were opened in St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, San Antonio, Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta, and Birmingham. In 1915, Hormel began selling dry sausages under the names of Cedar Cervelat, Holsteiner and Noxall Salami. Hormel products began appearing in national magazines, such as Good Housekeeping, as early as 1916. In 1921, when George's son Jay Hormel returned from service in the World War I, he uncovered that assistant controller Cy Thomson had embezzled 1,187,000 from the company over the previous ten years.
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