Johan AuwerxJohan Auwerx is Professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he occupies the Nestle Chair in Energy Metabolism. Dr. Auwerx has been using molecular physiology and systems genetics to understand metabolism in health, aging and disease. Much of his work focused on understanding how diet, exercise and hormones control metabolism through changing the expression of genes by altering the activity of transcription factors and their associated cofactors. His work was instrumental for the development of agonists of nuclear receptors - a particular class of transcription factors - into drugs, which now are used to treat high blood lipid levels, fatty liver, and type 2 diabetes. Dr. Auwerx was amongst the first to recognize that transcriptional cofactors, which fine-tune the activity of transcription factors, act as energy sensors/effectors that influence metabolic homeostasis. His research validated these cofactors as novel targets to treat metabolic diseases, and spurred the clinical use of natural compounds, such as resveratrol, as modulators of these cofactor pathways.
Johan Auwerx was elected as a member of EMBO in 2003 and is the recipient of a dozen of international scientific prizes, including the Danone International Nutrition Award, the Oskar Minkowski Prize, and the Morgagni Gold Medal. His work is highly cited by his peers with a h-factor of over 100. He is an editorial board member of several journals, including Cell Metabolism, Molecular Systems Biology, The EMBO Journal, Journal of Cell Biology, Cell, and Science. Dr. Auwerx co-founded a handful of biotech companies, including Carex, PhytoDia, and most recently Mitobridge, and has served on several scientific advisory boards.
Dr. Auwerx received both his MD and PhD in Molecular Endocrinology at the Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven, Belgium. He was a post-doctoral research fellow in the Departments of Medicine and Genetics of the University of Washington in Seattle.
Thierry MeyerThierry Meyer received in 1986 a diploma degree (MSc) in chemical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL). He was awarded in 1989 a PhD at EPFL for his thesis on micromixing in highly viscous polymeric media. He joined the Institute of Chemical Engineering from 1989 till 1993 as senior scientist in the field of polymerization reactions. In 1994 he joined Ciba-Geigy SA in the pigment division as successively development chemist, head of development a.i. and finally production manager for high performance pigments. Returning to the Institute of Chemical Engineering at EPFL in Lausanne by the end of 1998, he was nominated maître denseignement et de recherche (MER) for leading a new research group in the field of polymers and supercritical fluids, and teaching to chemists, chemical engineers and material sciences, disciplines as process development, introduction to chemical engineering, polymer and organic chemistry at master and bachelor program. In 2005 he owned the responsibility of the Occupational Health and Safety of the school of basic sciences on top of his research activities dealing with risk management and supercritical fluids. He is presently teaching introduction to chemical engineering at bachelor level, risk management at master level and specific courses on safety and engineering risk management in continuing education. He acts also as consultant and expert in risk assessment and chemical engineering matters by the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) of the World Business Organization, by several consultancy companies and by major and SMEs chemical industries. Thierry Meyer is currently member of several international associations of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, American institution of chemical engineering, American chemical society and senior member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. He was elected chairman of the European Working Party on Polymer Reaction Engineering from 2001 till 2006. He his currently the Swiss academic member of the European Working Party on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion as well as of the European Working Party on Education. He is member of several editorial boards: Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Journal of Chemical Health and Safety.
Amela Groso2016 - Present: DSPS-Safety Competence Center, EPFL andISIC-Group of Chemical and Physical Safety2007 - 2016:Occupational Safety and Health at the Faculty of Basic Sciences, EPFL Education : 2004 - 2006 : Postdoctoral fellow at the beamline for Microtomography, Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland 2000 - 2004: PhD student of Prof. Margaritondo G., Institut de physique de la matière complexe, EPFL, SwitzerlandPhD, physics 1997 - 2000: Holder of research fellowship for training on beamlines and experimental stations at the Elettra, Synchrotron Light Source, Trieste (Italy). 1991 - 1997: MSc in Physics, Physics department of the University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Arnaud MagrezEducation
PhD., Materials Science, summa cum laude, Université de Nantes, 2002
M.S., Chemistry, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, 1999
Academic positions
Head of the Crystal Growth Facility, EPFL, 2012-present
Research Associate, Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Complexe, EPFL, 2003-2012
Research Fellow, Peter Grunberg Institute, FZ-Juelich, 2002-2003
Administrative positions at EPFL
Scientific staff member, EPFL Assembly, 2015-present
Scientific staff member, School Council SB, 2014-present
Member of the IPHYS office 2016-present
Member of the ICMP office 2012-2015
Member of the safety committee of ICMP 2010-2015
Vitor Pessoa ColomboVitor grew up in São Paulo (Brazil) and studied architecture in Switzerland (B.Sc. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, M.Sc. Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio). Since 2016, he has conducted research on urbanization processes in cities of the global South. He has focused his research on "citizen mapping" methods that provide spatial information useful to support the improvement of vulnerable human settlements in cities marked by socio-spatial segregation. Now he conducts a PhD project at EPFL's CEAT unit to investigate how different urban morphologies relate to the occurence of diarrhoeal diseases in the context of rapid and largely informal urbanization processes.
Akuto Akpedze KonouAkuto Akpedze KONOU AKA Rolande est une jeune femme du Togo (Afrique de l'Ouest), architecte et urbaniste assermentée, communicatrice, auteur et motivatrice de talent. Elle est passionnée par la recherche en matière de développement durable, d'entrepreneuriat et de technologies vertes. Akuto est actuellement doctorante au laboratoire CEAT/EPFL et travaille sur un volet de recherche du projet Sinergia du FNS "Contributions africaines à la santé mondiale": "Circulation des connaissances et des innovations" ( Le projet de recherche étudie les connaissances et les pratiques liées à l'amélioration de la santé et des soins de santé qui ont été développées ou conçues en Afrique. Le projet est mené par une équipe pluridisciplinaire de l'EPFL, de l'Université de Bâle et du Swiss TPH. Fulbright et DKG World Fellow, Akuto a étudié au département de planification communautaire et régionale (College of Design) de l'Université d'État de l'Iowa aux États-Unis en tant qu'assistante de recherche, ainsi qu'après un master en architecture et en urbanisme à l'EAMAU.Akpedze pratique son métier depuis 7 ans, en intégrant au mieux les principes de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme durables. Après son master à l'EAMAU, GIGA, le groupe Eric DUVAL, l'OIF, GIZ, R-SUD, le gouvernement togolais de la prospective et de l'évaluation des politiques publiques, UN-Habitat, le PNUD, le groupe GFA et la Banque mondiale ont renforcé ses compétences. Elle s'engage à travers son domaine à contribuer à la protection de la planète et à la bonne santé de ses habitants. Akpedze soutient que tout être vivant a droit à un environnement sain et décent, et son objectif est d'utiliser l'architecture sociale et l'aménagement durable du territoire pour soutenir les communautés. Akpedze est active au sein d'associations professionnelles telles que l'ONAT, l'OSM, Minodoo, YALI Allumni, TDIF Think Tank et a participé de manière dynamique à plusieurs ateliers internationaux, concours, expositions, puis conférences et formations à l'entrepreneuriat ou au leadership, et sur les questions de villes intelligentes. Co-fondateur de AXE DURABLE et AfriK Durabiliterre, Akuto Akpedze KONOU est convaincue d'avoir une contribution unique à la R & D dans le domaine de la planification durable pour un impact positif sur le Sud et le développement mondial.