A crystal dendrite is a crystal that develops with a typical multi-branching form. The name comes from the Greek word dendron (δενδρον) which means "tree", since the crystal's structure resembles that of a tree. These crystals can be synthesised by using a supercooled pure liquid, however they are also quite common in nature. The most common crystals in nature exhibit dendritic growth are snowflakes and frost on windows, but many minerals and metals can also be found in dendritic structures. The first dendritic patterns were discovered in palaeontology and are often mistaken for fossils because of their appearance. The first theory for the creation of these patterns was published by Nash and Glicksman in 1974, they used a very mathematical method and derived a non-linear integro-differential equation for a classical needle growth. However they only found an inaccurate numerical solution close to the tip of the needle and they found that under a given growth condition, the tip velocity has a unique maximum value. This became known as the maximum velocity principle (MVP) but was ruled out by Glicksman and Nash themselves very quickly. In the following two years Glicksman improved the numerical methods used, but did not realise the non-linear integro-differential equation had no mathematical solutions making his results meaningless. Four years later, in 1978, Langer and Müller-Krumbhaar proposed the marginal stability hypothesis (MSH). This hypothesis used a stability parameter σ which depended on the thermal diffusivity, the surface tension and the radius of the tip of the dendrite. They claimed a system would be unstable for small σ causing it to form dendrites. At the time however Langer and Müller-Krumbhaar were unable to obtain a stability criterion for certain growth systems which lead to the MSH theory being abandoned. A decade later several groups of researchers went back to the Nash-Glicksman problem and focused on simplified versions of it. Through this they found that the problem for isotropic surface tension had no solutions.
Philip Johannes Walter Moll, Matthias Carsten Putzke, Andrew Scott Hunter
Stefano Mischler, Anna Neus Igual Muñoz
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