In computing, the working directory of a process is a of a , if any, dynamically associated with each process. It is sometimes called the current working directory (CWD), e.g. the BSD getcwd function, or just current directory. When the process refers to a file using a simple file name or relative path (as opposed to a file designated by a full path from a root directory), the reference is interpreted relative to the working directory of the process. So for example a process with working directory /rabbit-shoes that asks to create the file foo.txt will end up creating the file /rabbit-shoes/foo.txt. In most computer file systems, every directory has an entry (usually named ".") which points to the directory itself. In most DOS and UNIX command shells, as well as in the Microsoft Windows command line interpreters cmd.exe and Windows PowerShell, the working directory can be changed by using the CD or CHDIR commands. In Unix shells, the pwd command outputs a full pathname of the working directory; the equivalent command in DOS and Windows is CD or CHDIR without arguments (whereas in Unix, cd used without arguments takes the user back to his/her home directory). The environment variable PWD (in Unix/Linux shells), or the pseudo-environment variables CD (in Windows COMMAND.COM and cmd.exe, but not in OS/2 and DOS), or _CWD, _CWDS, _CWP and _CWPS (under 4DOS, 4OS2, 4NT etc.) can be used in scripts, so that one need not start an external program. Microsoft Windows s have the ability to store the working directory. COMMAND.COM in DR-DOS 7.02 and higher provides ECHOS, a variant of the ECHO command omitting the terminating linefeed. This can be used to create a temporary batchjob storing the working directory in an environment variable like CD for later use, for example: ECHOS SET CD=> SETCD.BAT CHDIR >> SETCD.BAT CALL SETCD.BAT DEL SETCD.BAT Alternatively, under Multiuser DOS and DR-DOS 7.02 and higher, various internal and external commands support a parameter /B (for "Batch").
Dominique Bonvin, Julien Léo Billeter, Sriniketh Srinivasan