This course will offer students a broad but hands-on introduction to technologies of human self-organization.
This course introduces the foundations of information retrieval, data mining and knowledge bases, which constitute the foundations of today's Web-based distributed information systems.
This course gives an introduction to the fundamental concepts and methods of the Digital Humanities, both from a theoretical and applied point of view. The course introduces the Digital Humanities cir
This advanced course will provide students with the knowledge to tackle the design of privacy-preserving ICT systems. Students will learn about existing technologies to prect privacy, and how to evalu
The course integrates concepts from media studies, machine learning, multimedia, and network science to characterize social practices and analyze content in platforms like Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,
This course will present an overview of the nuclear interactions for neutrons on nuclei below a few hundreds of MeV. The aspect of so-called "nuclear data" will be presented from the perspective of ex
This course is intended for current nanoindentation users who want to gain the experience and knowledge required to extract useful data from challenging sample materials. It is also intended for users
A decentralized system is one that works when no single party is in charge or fully trusted. This course teaches decentralized systems principles while guiding students through the engineering of thei
This course focuses on goal-directed design and interaction design, two subjects treated in depth in the Cooper book (see reference below). To practice these two methods, we propose a design challenge
La discipline de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (ou HCI : Human-Computer Interaction) vise à systématiquement placer le facteur humain dans la conception de systèmes interactifs.