Florian Frédéric Vincent BreiderFlorian Breider obtained his PhD in the field of the stable isotope biogeochemistry from the University of Neuchatel in 2013. This was followed by seven months of postdoc at EPFL in the Atmospheric Particles Research Laboratory and two years as research associate at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) where he conducted studies on nitrous oxide biogeochemistry in oceans. From 2015 to 2018, he was research scientist in the Laboratory for Water Quality and Treatment at EPFL where he conducted research on disinfection by-products and antibiotic resistant bacteria. Since May 2018, he is director of the Central Environmental Laboratory at the Institute of Environmental Engineering of EPFL.
Benoît Jean Dominique FerrariDr. Benoît J.D. Ferrari studied Biochemistry and Biology and completed his PhD in Ecotoxicology at the University of Lorraine (Metz, France) in 2000. After several years at the University of Geneva (Forel F.A. Institute, Geneva, Switzerland; 2002-2008) and Irstea (Formerly Cemagref, Lyon, France; 2000-2002 and 2008-2013), he joined the Swiss Centre of Applied Ecotoxicology (Centre Ecotox Eawag/EPFL) in October 2013 as group leader of the soil and sediment ecotoxicology group at Lausanne. During his different mandates, he was implied as (co-)proponent in different research projects supported e.g. by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the French National Research Agency or the European Framework Programme for Research. His main areas of interest cover the ecodynamic of contaminants and their impact on the ecophysiology of organisms. Particularly, he is involved in 1) the development of exposure and effect indicators to evaluate the chemical stresses, 2) the integration of such indicators in laboratory- and field-based approaches to assess the quality of aquatic ecosystems, 3) the development of adapted bioassays for active biomonitoring, and 4) the transfer of such ecotoxicological tools and approaches towards end-users.
André-Gilles DumontAndré-Gilles Dumont est né en 1951 à la Brévine (NE). Il obtient en 1976 le diplôme d'ingénieur civil de l'EPFL.
Jusqu'en 1979, il est collaborateur d'un bureau d'ingénieurs et dirige la construction de divers bâtiments. Il entre ensuite au Laboratoire des voies de circulation (LAVOC) où il va développer une méthodologie d'essais en vraie grandeur des superstructures routières. Cette activité sera poursuivie au niveau international au sein de deux groupes d'experts scientifiques de l'OCDE.
Parallèlement au développement du LAVOC et à l'exécution de nombreux mandats pour des tiers, il est l'auteur de plusieurs recherches dans le domaine des matériaux granulaires et des bitumineux modifiés par des polymères.
En Suisse, il assume dès 1985 la présidence de la commission Technologie des matériaux de l'Union des professionnels suisses de la route puis, dès 1990, celle de la commission de coordination Exécution et entretien.
Depuis 1991, il est professeur et dirige le LAVOC. Il enseigne aux étudiants du génie civil et du génie rural, d'une part le tracé des voies de circulation et, d'autre part la construction et l'entretien des superstructures routières. Il mène également des recherches dans le domaine des propriétés des matériaux hydrocarbonés et de la modélisation des chaussées, comme dans celui de l'utilisation de la CAO pour l'élaboration des projets routiers et la prise en compte des facteurs environnementaux.
Pierre-Yves GilliéronHe graduated in Surveying Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne in 1988. He started his professional career in photogrammetry and digital mapping. He joined the Geodetic Eng. Laboratory in 1997 where he worked as research scientist on various navigation and satellite positioning projects.
Since 2018 he is deputy head of the section in environmental sciences and engineering at EPFL.
He was member of the board of the swiss institute of navigation (ION-CH), member of the swiss geodetic committee (SGK) and expert in different committees of the swiss road association (VSS).
Nikolaos GeroliminisProf. Nikolas Geroliminis is an Associate Professor at EPFL and the head of the Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS). Before joining EPFL he was an Assistant Professor on the faculty of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota. He has a diploma in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and a MSc and Ph.D. in civil engineering from University of California, Berkeley. He is an Associate Editor for Transportation Research part C and he also serves in the editorial board of TR, part B, Transportation Letters, Journal of ITS and of many international conferences. He is a member of the Transportation Research Board's Traffic Flow Theory Committee. His research interests focus primarily on urban transportation systems, traffic flow theory and control, public transportation and logistics, Optimization and Large Scale Networks. He is a recent recipient of the ERC Starting Grant METAFERW: Modeling and controlling traffic congestion and propagation in large-scale urban multimodal networks
Diploma, 2003, Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
M.S., 2004, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
Ph.D., 2007, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley