Eluru is a city and the district headquarters of Eluru district in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. It is one of the 14 municipal corporations in the state and the mandal headquarters of Eluru mandal in the Eluru revenue division. The city is on the Tammileru river. The city is well known for its wool-pile carpets and hand woven products. Census of India, the city had a population of . Its history dates back to the second century CE. It was a part of the Vengi Kingdom. During the rule of the Buddhist kingdom of Vengi, it was the capital city and was known as 'Helapuri'. It was also known as 'Ellore'. To distinguish with Vellore, which was having same pronunciation during Nizam rule, Ellore was referred as Uppu Ellore (i.e. Salt Ellore), while the former one was referred as Ra Vellore or Raya Vellore. The history of Eluru dates back to the second century CE and has great prominence in the history of Andhra. Vengi near Eluru was the capital of Andhra from the second century to the twelfth century, ruled by Salankayanas, Vishnukudinas, and Eastern Chalukyas. Vengi was the capital city of Andhradesa for more years than any other city in Andhra Pradesh. Eluru was part of the Buddhist kingdom of Vengi. Salankayana ruled from the third century CE to the fifth century CE. They were known as Salankayana after the Gotra name and were the feudatories of Ikshvakus. They ruled near the Vengi area, with Vengi (Eluru) as the capital. Salankayana is another of the Phantom kingdoms of Andhra for Indologists. Their date is fixed based on Samudra Gupta inscription mention of Hastivarman of Vengi. Eluru was a major city of the Vishnukundinas. Vishnukundin reign might be fixed between the end of the Salankayana and the rise of the Eastern Chalukyan power in 624 AD. In the late fifth century, the Salankayanas were conquered by Madhavarma II of the Vishnukundinas. During the reign of Madhava Varma the Great, they became independent and conquered coastal Andhra from the Salankayanas and might have shifted their capital to a place in coastal Andhra.