
Jack-Jack Attack

Jack-Jack Attack is a 2004 American computer-animated short film written and directed by Brad Bird and produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It is tied into and included on the DVD release of The Incredibles. The idea for this short came from an idea for a scene originally considered for inclusion in The Incredibles; it was cut from the feature and subsequently expanded into this short. The short revolves around the situations between Jack-Jack and his babysitter Kari McKeen (who was hired by Violet and Dash to watch Jack-Jack) during the events of the main film. Rick Dicker, a government agent assigned to aid "supers" in maintaining their anonymity, interviews Kari McKeen about the events unfolded while she was babysitting Jack-Jack Parr, the youngest of a family of supers. Kari begins by stating that she received a call from Helen Parr, who expresses reluctance about allowing Kari to babysit. Kari attempts to reassure her that she is more than capable of taking care of Jack-Jack, but the conversation is cut off by Helen's jet being fired upon. Thinking nothing is wrong, and that they were simply cut-off, Kari turns her attention to Jack-Jack. She asks him if he is ready for some "neurological stimulation" and plays Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 11 (third movement) for him, which results in Jack-Jack having an epiphany about his latent superpowers. When Kari's back is turned, Jack-Jack disappears then reappears in the kitchen drinking a baby bottle. Finding this odd, Kari tries to call Helen again. While she is leaving a message, Jack-Jack floats onto the ceiling and spills milk onto Kari's face. Kari puts him in his playpen, flipped upside-down so that he doesn't float away, and tries calling Helen again. Jack-Jack escapes the playpen and appears on a high bookshelf. Just as he falls, Kari dives in and tries to catch him, but fails when Jack-Jack passes through the floor into the laundry room. Running down to find him, Kari sees Jack-Jack passing through the walls and floating around, babbling happily, before she finally catches him.
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