The Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (LPP) is a CNRS laboratory affiliated with the University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris, France. Its director is currently Pierre Hallé (who succeeded Jacqueline Vaissière and Annie Rialland). The LPP is a Mixed Research Unit (UMR 7018) with more than 40 members, including 7 researchers, 12 research professors, 3 engineers and more than 30 doctoral and post-doctoral students. It is specialized in teaching and research in experimental phonetics and in phonology, offering graduate-level courses leading to a doctoral degree. One of its central research themes is the development of an integrated approach to phonetics and phonology.
Its principal research areas have included:
variation in spontaneous speech
clinical phonetics
Prosody (linguistics): analysis, typology, interfaces
phonological systems: models, descriptive studies, typology
development of tools for research and teaching
acoustic phonetics and articulatory modelling
The laboratory is located at l'Institut de Phonétique de Paris on 19 rue des Bernardins. Research in clinical phonetics is conducted at the Service d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie (ORL) of the Hôpital Européen Georges-Pompidou (HEGP), Paris. In 2008 the CNRS gave the Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie the task of creating a technological platform to study normal and pathological speech.
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Comment valoriser l'énergie de freinage sur les véhicules électriques et hibrydes ? Un laboratoire de l'EPFL poursuit des travaux prometteurs sur de nouveaux systèmes de stockage d'énergie embariqués. A commencer par le supercondensateur, qui suscite le plus vif intérêt auprès de tous ceux qui se préoccupent de la conservation de l'énergie électrique.
Le projet consiste en la réaffectation et extension d'une fabrique du XIXe siècle à Berlin. Le programme établi est celui d'un centre de réhabilitation du patrimoine bâti comportant des ateliers de production, des laboratoires d'analyse, des lieux de cours et des salles d'expositions.