ChE-340: The engineering of chemical reactionsCe cours applique les concepts de la cinétique chimique et des bilans de masse et d'énergie pour résoudre les problèmes de génie des réactions chimiques, en mettant l'accent sur les applications indus
COM-401: Cryptography and securityThis course introduces the basics of cryptography. We review several types of cryptographic primitives, when it is safe to use them and how to select the appropriate security parameters. We detail how
MATH-124: Geometry for architects ICe cours entend exposer les fondements de la géométrie à un triple titre :
1/ de technique mathématique essentielle au processus de conception du projet,
2/ d'objet privilégié des logiciels de concept
MATH-726: Working group in Topology IThe theme of the working group varies from year to year. Examples of recent topics studied include: Galois theory of ring spectra, duality in algebra and topology, and topological algebraic geometry.
MATH-600: Optimization and simulationMaster state-of-the art methods in optimization with heuristics and simulation.
Work involves:
- reading the material beforehand
- class hours to discuss the material and solve problems
- homework
MATH-310: AlgebraThis is an introduction to modern algebra: groups, rings and fields.
MATH-432: Probability theoryThe course is based on Durrett's text book
Probability: Theory and Examples.
It takes the measure theory approach to probability theory, wherein expectations are simply abstract integrals.