CS-471: Advanced multiprocessor architectureMultiprocessors are basic building blocks for all computer systems. This course covers the architecture and organization of modern multiprocessors, prevalent accelerators (e.g., GPU, TPU), and datacen
CS-476: Embedded system designHardware-software co-design is a well known concept in embedded system design.It is also a concept required in designing FPGA-accelerators in data-centers.This course teaches how to transform algorith
CS-208: Computer architecture IThe course introduces the students to the basic notions
of computer architecture and, in particular, to the
choices of the Instruction Set Architecture and to the
memory hierarchy of modern systems.
AR-638: Sensing Like a (Multipli)CityA hands-on approach on how sensing works is complemented with theoretical insights to reflect on the critical zones opened up for urban research by the expansion of coded environments, providing the s
EE-583: Spacecraft avionics architecturesThe course presents and analyses the different systems, architectures and components of spacecraft avionics (on board data handling and processing systems) controlling and commanding spacecraft and pa