Public awareness of science (PAwS) is everything relating to the awareness, attitudes, behaviors, opinions, and activities that comprise the relations between the general public or lay society as a whole to scientific knowledge and organization. This concept is also known as public understanding of science (PUS), or more recently, public engagement with science and technology (PEST). It is a comparatively new approach to the task of exploring the multitude of relations and linkages science, technology, and innovation have among the general public. While early work in the discipline focused on increasing or augmenting the public's knowledge of scientific topics, in line with the information deficit model of science communication, the deficit model has largely been abandoned by science communication researchers. Instead, there is an increasing emphasis on understanding how the public chooses to use scientific knowledge and on the development of interfaces to mediate between expert and lay understandings of an issue. Newer frameworks of communicating science include the dialogue and the participation models. The dialogue model aims to create spaces for conversations between scientists and non-scientists to occur while the participation model aims to include non-scientists in the process of science.
The area integrates a series of fields and themes such as:
Citizen science
Consumer education
Fixed and mobile science exhibits
Media and science (medialisation of science)
Public controversies over science and technology
Public tours of research and development (R&D) parks, manufacturing companies, etc.
Science and art
Science communication in the mass media, Internet, radio, films and television programs
Science education for adults
Science fairs in schools and social groups
Science festivals
Science in popular culture
Science in text books and classrooms
Science museums, aquaria, planetaria, zoological parks, botanical gardens, etc.
Science social movements
Important lines of research are how to raise public awareness and public understanding of science and technology.