Martin OderskyMartin Odersky heads the programming research group at EPFL. His research interests cover fundamental as well as applied aspects of programming languages. They include semantics, type systems, programming language design, and compiler construction. The main focus if his work lies in the integration of object-oriented and functional programming. His research thesis is that the two paradigms are just two sides of the same coin and should be unified as much as possible. To prove this he has experimented a number of language designs, from Pizza to GJ to Functional Nets. He has also influenced the development of Java as a co-designer of Java generics and as the original author of the current javac reference compiler. His current work concentrates on the Scala programming language, which unifies FP and OOP, while staying completely interoperable with Java and .NET.
Martin Odersky got his doctorate from ETHZ, in 1989. He held research positions at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center from 1989 and at Yale University from 1991. He was then a professor at the University of Karlsruhe from 1993 and at the University of South Australia from 1997. He joined EPFL as full professor in 1999. He is associate editor of the Journal of Functional Programming and member of IFIP WG 2.8. He was conference chair for ICFP 2000, and program chair for ECOOP 2004 as well as ETAPS/CC 2007.
Maud EhrmannMaud Ehrmann is a research scientist at EPFL’s Digital Humanities Laboratory lead by Prof.
Frédéric Kaplan
. She holds a PhD in Computational Linguistics from the Paris Diderot Universtiy (Paris 7) and has been engaged in a large number of scientific projects centred on information extraction and text analysis, both for present-time and historical documents. Her main research interests span Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities and include, among others, historical text annotation, historical data processing and representation, named entity recognition, and multilingual linguistic resources creation.
Her current work at the DHLAB focuses on
‘impresso - Media Monitoring of the Past’
, a SNF sinergia project she initiated with
Marten Düring
) and
Simon Clematide
) and which aims at enabling critical analysis of historical newspapers. In addition to the overall project management, her contributions to this project include system design and data management, annotation and benchmarking and named entity processing. Besides, she participates to the activities of the
Venice Time Machine
, working particularly on information extraction and knowledge representation tasks. Previously, she worked on the
project where she supervised and contributed to the development of a web-based transcription and annotation interface - in collaboration with Orlin Topalov, and built a linked data-based historical knowledge base. She also contributed to the
Le Temps Digital Archives project
Prior to joining the DHLAB, she worked at the
Linguistics Computing Laboratory
at the Sapienza University of Rome with Roberto Navigli, where she worked on the
resource - a very large multilingual encyclopaedic dictionary and semantic network - and contributed to the
project. Before that, she has been working for four years at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy, as member of the OPTIMA unit (now
Text and Data mining
unit), which develops innovative and application-oriented solutions for retrieving and extracting information from the Internet with a focus on high multilinguality. Together with Erik van der Goot,
Ralf Steinberger
, Hristo Tanev, Leo della Rocca and many others, she contributed to the development of the
Europe Media Monitor
(EMM). Prior, she worked at the Xerox Europe Research Centre in Grenoble, France (now
Naver Labs Europe
) in the Parsing & Semantics group led by Frédérique Segond, first as PhD candidate supported through a CIFRE grant under the supervision of
Caroline Brun
Bernard Victorri
, then as a post-doctoral researcher. There her research focused mainly on the automatic processing and fine-grained analysis of entities of interest, specifically named entities and temporal expressions.
Martin RajmanMartin Rajman is the Executive Director of
, a large Swiss Research Program funding collaborative multi-disciplinary projects for the engineering of complex systems in Health and the Environment. Since 2008, the program started more than 100 research projects for a total public funding of more than 95 Mo CHF (~100 Mo USD).
Before being appointed as Executive Director, Martin Rajman was Director of the EPFL Global Computing Center (CGC), an association of research groups and laboratories of the School of Computer and Communication Sciences fostering interdisciplinary research in the general area of internet computing and distributed information systems. In this position, he was managing more than 20 European projects.
In parallel with his research management activities, Martin Rajman is senior researcher at EPF Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL). His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Computational Linguistics and Data-driven Probabilistic Machine Learning.
Previously, he was senior researcher at the Computer Science Department of Telecom Paris-Tech, where he was in charge of the development of a research and teaching activity in the domain of Natural Language Processing.
Martin Rajman is also active in various large scale industry-research collaborations with majors economic players. In particular, he has been involved in the improvement of the product ranking technology used by e-Bay and is currently collaborating with Elsevier on enhanced article recommendation techniques.
Martin Rajman is author or co-author of more than 100 publications and former Director of the Computer Science Series of EPFL-Press (PPUR).