Develop your promising idea into a successful business concept proposal, and launch it! Gain practical experience in the key steps of the venture creation process, including marketing and fundraising.
Develop your promising idea into a successful business concept proposal, and launch it! Gain practical experience in the key steps of the venture creation process, including marketing and fundraising.
Transformez votre idée prometteuse en un projet concret d’entreprise et lancez la pour de vrai. Apprenez les principales étapes du processus de création d’entreprise, y compris marketing et levée de f
Develop your promising idea into a successful business concept proposal, and launch it! Gain practical experience in the key steps of the venture creation process, including marketing and fundraising.
Develop your promising idea into a successful business concept proposal, and launch it! Gain practical experience in the key steps of the venture creation process, including marketing and fundraising.
Learn how to apply the Market Opportunity Navigator - a three-step tool for identifying, evaluating and strategizing market opportunities - to get the most value for your innovation.
This course deals with innovation policies for regional development. It provides numerous perspectives regarding the concept of smart specialisation and presents the tools and methods necessary for de
Ce cours traite des politiques d’innovation pour le développement régional. Il fournit de multiples éclairages sur le concept de spécialisation intelligente et présente les outils et les méthodes pour