AR-507: Urban demographyThis course introduces theoretical developments and empirical evidence on city population change worldwide, as well as on its interactions with sustainable development. Students will learn how to iden
HUM-471: Economic growth and sustainability IThis course examines growth from various angles: economic growth, growth in the use of resources, need for growth, limits to growth, sustainable growth, and, if time permits, population growth and gro
ENG-410: Energy supply, economics and transitionThis course examines energy systems from various angles: available resources, how they can be combined or substituted, their private and social costs, whether they can meet the energy demand, and how
HUM-226: Wellbeing and Planetary BoundariesL'objectif de ce cours est de donner une compréhension globale des enjeux de la durabilité et de ses implications. Que signifie "durabilité" ? Comment est-elle mesurée ? Comment l'atteindre ?
AR-401(a): Studio MA1 (Vigano)The Studio explores the evolution of Parisian landscapes facing climate change. Through a deep reading of Paris to identify the various issues linked to the socio-ecological transition and its landsca
AR-301(a): Studio BA5 (Viganò)The Studio explores the evolution of Parisian landscapes facing climate change. Through a deep reading of Paris to identify the various issues linked to the socio-ecological transition and its landsca
HUM-257: Health, populations and societyCe cours prend le tabac comme fil conducteur pour explorer les diverses dimensions d'un problème majeur de santé publique et ses multiples implications. L'enseignant étendra la discussion liée aux pro
ENV-220: Fundamentals in ecologyThe students will learn the fundamentals in ecology with the goal to perceive the environment beyond its physical and chemical characteristics. Starting from basic concepts, they will acquire mechanis
AR-302(a): Studio BA6 (Viganò)Is it conceivable to question the very presence of highways in urban environments? What potential for requalification does this space, with its unique characteristics, offer?