CS-308: Introduction to quantum computationThe course introduces the paradigm of quantum computation in an axiomatic way. We introduce the notion of quantum bit, gates, circuits and we treat the most important quantum algorithms. We also touch
COM-502: Dynamical system theory for engineersLinear and nonlinear dynamical systems are found in all fields of science and engineering. After a short review of linear system theory, the class will explain and develop the main tools for the quali
MATH-351: Advanced numerical analysis IIThe student will learn state-of-the-art algorithms for solving differential equations. The analysis and implementation of these algorithms will be discussed in some detail.
ME-390: Foundations of artificial intelligenceThis course provides the students with 1) a set of theoretical concepts to understand the machine learning approach; and 2) a subset of the tools to use this approach for problems arising in mechanica
MATH-101(e): Analysis IÉtudier les concepts fondamentaux d'analyse et le calcul différentiel et intégral des fonctions réelles d'une variable.
PHYS-452: Radiation detectionThe course presents the detection of ionizing radiation in the keV and MeV energy ranges. Physical processes of radiation/matter interaction are introduced. All steps of detection are covered, as well
CH-314: Structural analysisThe aim of this course is to treat three of the major techniques for structural characterization of molecules used in chemistry and chemical engineering: mass spectrometry, NMR, and X-ray techniques.