The Chemistry Quality Eurolabels or European Quality Labels in Chemistry (Labels européens de Qualité en Chimie) is a marketing scheme for chemistry degrees at institutions located within the 45 countries involved in the Bologna process. Labels are awarded to qualifying institutions under the names are Eurobachelor and Euromaster, as well as the proposed Eurodoctorate. Label Committee not only prepares for the ECTN Administrative Council proposals to award the Eurolabels but also judge the quality of chemical education programmes at HEIs. ECTN and its Label Committee closely collaborates with EuCheMS and American Chemical Society. It is a framework which is supported by EuCheMS, and the labels are awarded by ECTN. The project is supported by the European Commission (EC) through its SOCRATES programme. The purpose of the framework is to "promote recognition of first, second cycle degrees, and third cycle degrees not only within the 45 countries involved in the Bologna process". European Union promoted the Bologna process and the creation of a single European higher education area, both of which require mobility of graduates across Europe. ECTN (European Chemistry Thematic Network) worked in the EU project "Tuning Educational Structures in Europe" and developed Eurobachelor, a framework for a first cycle qualification (first degree) in chemistry. EuCheMS approved Eurobachelor in October 2003. In June 2004 the Bologna process seminar "Chemistry Studies in the European Higher Education Area" approved Eurobachelor.