Lymph node biopsy is a test in which a lymph node or a piece of a lymph node is removed for examination under a microscope (see: biopsy). The lymphatic system is made up of several lymph nodes connected by lymph vessels. The nodes produce white blood cells (lymphocytes) that fight infections. When an infection is present, the lymph nodes swell, produce more white blood cells, and attempt to trap the organisms that are causing the infection. The lymph nodes also try to trap cancer cells. Imaging studies include CXR, CT scans of Abdomen,chest, pelvis, neck and PET scans. CBC, ESR, serum ferritin, bone marrow aspiration. The test is used to help determine the cause of lymph node enlargement (swollen glands or lymphadenitis). It may also determine whether tumors in the lymph node are cancerous or noncancerous. Enlarged lymph nodes may be caused by a number of conditions, ranging from very mild infections to serious malignancies. Benign conditions can often be distinguished from cancerous and infectious processes by microscopic examination. The pathologist may also perform additional tests on the lymph node tissue to assist in making a diagnosis. Some of the conditions where abnormal values are obtained are: Hodgkin's lymphoma Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Sarcoidosis tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis (scrofula) Lymph node biopsies may be performed to evaluate the spread of cancer. See Lymphadenectomy#With sentinel node biopsy. However, Sentinel lymph node biopsy for evaluating early, thin melanoma has not been shown to improve survival, and for this reason, should not be performed. Patients with melanoma in situ, T1a melanoma or T1b melanoma ≤ 0.5mm have a low risk of cancer spreading to lymph nodes and high 5-year survival rates, so this kind of biopsy is unnecessary. The test is done in an operating room in a hospital, or at an outpatient surgical facility. There are two ways the sample may be obtained: Needle biopsy Open (excisional) biopsy A needle biopsy involves inserting a needle into a node to obtain the sample.
Li Tang, Bing Feng, Thomas Gruber