EE-465: Industrial electronics IThe course deals with the control of grid connected power electronic converters for renewable applications, covering: converter topologies, pulse width modulation, modelling, control algorithms and co
EE-472: Smart grids technologiesLearn the technologies and methodologies used in the context of the operation of future power grids and be able to deploy/implement/test them.
EE-565: Industrial electronics IIThe course is dealing with high performance drives and methods to control various electrical machines by means of power electronic converter and advanced control methods.
ENG-410: Energy supply, economics and transitionThis course examines energy systems from various angles: available resources, how they can be combined or substituted, their private and social costs, whether they can meet the energy demand, and how
EE-370: Electric power systemsCe cours décrit les composants d'un réseau électrique. Il explique le fonctionnement des réseaux électriques et leurs limites d'utilisation. Il introduit les outils de base permettant de les piloter.
EE-470: Power systems dynamicsThis course focuses on the dynamic behavior of a power system. It presents the basic definitions, concepts and models for angular stability analysis with reference to transient stability, steady state