Urban studies is the diverse range of disciplines and approaches to the study of all aspects of cities, their suburbs, and other urban areas. This includes among others: urban economics, urban planning, urban ecology, urban transportation systems, urban politics, sociology and urban social relations. This can be contrasted with the study of rural areas and rural lifestyles. architecture arcology allotment (gardening) Automobile dependency autonomous building Bat-Yam International Biennale of Landscape Urbanism Beijing Planning Exhibition Hall bicycle-friendly built environment car-free zone car-pool lane Central business district city City limits community community currency community emergency response team commuting Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat congestion charge consumerism co-housing cultural diversity eco-industrial park eco-village ecological health ecological footprint ecological sanitation ecology economies of agglomeration education electricity generation energy environmental health environmental studies externality farmers market flash mob gentrification Global city Grand Paris Hudson's village model human development theory infrastructural capital industrial ecology juvenile justice land ethic landscape architecture Larger Urban Zones mass transit Moscow Urban Forum Museums Music neighborhood Neighbourhood character New pedestrianism New urbanism Overcrowding pedestrian-friendly pedestrian overpass pedestrian underpass personal rapid transit Place Place identity Placemaking Planetizen planned cities political economy productivism Public space public transport Principles of Intelligent Urbanism Radical planning recycling redlining Regional planning rural schools service economy seven-generation sustainability sewage system Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center shared space shift-share smog Sociology soft energy street reclaiming suburban suburban colonization traffic calming toll bridge toll road terrorism Times Square Red, Times Square Blue transit-oriented development urbanization ur
Vincent Kaufmann, Renate Albrecher
Elena Cogato Lanza, Laurent Matthey