CIVIL-526: Steel structuresMaîtrise de la conception et du calcul des structures porteuses en charpentes métalliques, avec accent sur les particularités que sont les méthodes d'analyse et de dimensionnement d'éléments mixte, à
CIVIL-411: Dam engineeringDams are paramount for human development around the world. The course is an introduction to the fascinating domain of dam engineering, from design to construction, for water storage and regulated supp
CIVIL-511: Engineering of existing structuresThe engineering of existing structures encompasses the examination of condition and load-carrying capacity, decision criteria, and methods for rehabilitation or strengthening. This course presents the
CIVIL-402: GeomechanicsThe course covers engineering applications and challenges in geomechanics, including stress-strain behavior of geomaterials in variousconditions, triaxial testing,and constitutive frameworks for elast
CIVIL-530: Slope stabilityThe course aims at providing future civil engineers with a comprehensive view on soil slope stability. It addresses landslide types and mass movement classification; slope failure mechanisms and metho
CIVIL-430: Concrete bridgesCe cours traite les principaux aspects de la conception et du dimensionnement des ponts en béton armé et précontraint. L'accent est mis sur les ponts poutres. Etude des aspects suivants : optimisation