Periodic acid (ˌpɜːraɪˈɒdᵻk ) is the highest oxoacid of iodine, in which the iodine exists in oxidation state +7. It can exist in two forms: orthoperiodic acid, with the chemical formula , and metaperiodic acid, which has the formula . Periodic acid was discovered by Heinrich Gustav Magnus and C. F. Ammermüller in 1833. Modern industrial scale production involves the oxidation of a solution of sodium iodate under alkaline conditions, either electrochemically on a anode, or by treatment with chlorine: (counter ions omitted for clarity) E° = -1.6 V Orthoperiodic acid can be dehydrated to give metaperiodic acid by heating to 100 °C under reduced pressure. Further heating to around 150 °C gives iodine pentoxide () rather than the expected anhydride diiodine heptoxide (). Metaperiodic acid can also be prepared from various orthoperiodates by treatment with dilute nitric acid. Orthoperiodic acid has a number of acid dissociation constants. The pKa of metaperiodic acid has not been determined. pKa = 3.29 pKa = 8.31 pKa = 11.60 There being two forms of periodic acid, it follows that two types of periodate salts are formed. For example, sodium metaperiodate, NaIO4, can be synthesised from HIO4 while sodium orthoperiodate, Na5IO6 can be synthesised from H5IO6. Orthoperiodic acid forms monoclinic crystals (space group P21/n) consisting of a slightly deformed octahedron interlinked via bridging hydrogens. Five I–O bond distances are in the range 1.87–1.91 Å and one I–O bond is 1.78 Å. The structure of metaperiodic acid also includes octahedra, however these are connected via cis-edge-sharing with bridging oxygens to form one-dimensional infinite chains. Like all periodates periodic acid can be used to cleave various 1,2-difunctional compounds. Most notably periodic acid will cleave vicinal diols into two aldehyde or ketone fragments (Malaprade reaction). This can be useful in determining the structure of carbohydrates as periodic acid can be used to open saccharide rings.