, also known as Fresh PreCure!, is a Japanese magical girl anime series and the sixth in the Pretty Cure metaseries by Izumi Todo, featuring the fourth generation of Cures. The series was produced by Toei Animation, directed by Junji Shimizu (Jigoku Sensei Nube The Movie) and written by Atsushi Maekawa (Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Jewelpet). The character designs were created by Hisashi Kagawa (Saikano, Bomberman Jetters, Phantom Thief Jeanne). The series aired on TV Asahi's ANN network from February 1, 2009 to January 31, 2010, succeeding Yes! PreCure 5 Go Go!’s time slot, and was succeeded by HeartCatch PreCure!.
Fresh Pretty Cure aims at an older demographic beyond its target audience of young girls, and was the first to introduce CG-animated ending themes with dance routines. The series' main topics are happiness and dance, with playing-card suits, fruits and clovers as the Cure's main motifs.
Love Momozono is a 14-year-old second-year student at Yotsuba Junior High School. One day, she goes to see the concert of a popular dance unit called Trinity, and is inspired by the group's leader Miyuki to become a dancer herself. But then, an agent of Labyrinth named Eas summons a Nakewameke to attack the people. Love's strong feelings to protect the people and see Trinity perform live once again resonate with a Linkrun and transforms her phone into a transformation device, allowing her to become Cure Peach. Along with Tarte and Chiffon, who are fairies from the Sweets Kingdom, and her childhood friends Aono Miki and Yamabuki Inori, who become Cure Berry and Cure Pine respectively, they fight against Labyrinth to prevent them from using Infinity to conquer all worlds. They are later joined by Setsuna, who was formerly the agent of Labyrinth Eas and becomes Cure Passion.
Love Momozono Cure Peach
A 14-year-old girl and a second-year student at Yotsuba Junior High School. She is a fan of the Trinity dance company and is taking dance lessons under Miyuki, the leader of Trinity who offered her lessons out of gratitude for Love saving her from the Nakewameke's attack.