Study of advanced image processing; mathematical imaging. Development of image-processing software and prototyping in Jupyter Notebooks; application to real-world examples in industrial vision and bio
Introduction and application of photon based tools for chemical sciences: from basic concepts to optical and x-ray lasers
First 2 courses are Tuesday 16-19h!This course will arm students with knowledge of different imaging techniques for practical measurements in many different fields of civil engineering. Modalities wil
Introduction to computer-aided design of optical systems using "ZEMAX OpticStudio" optical design software. Principles of optical systems design and performance analysis with geometrical optics and ra
The goal of this course is to illustrate how modern principles of basic science approaches are integrated into the major
biomedical imaging modalities of importance to biology and medicine, with an em
Ce cours d'introduction à la microscopie a pour but de donner un apperçu des différentes techniques d'analyse de la microstructure et de la composition des matériaux, en particulier celles liées aux m
A house is the simple topic of this studio. A matter of simple complexity. Starting as reference from an architect's drawing and a pavilion; constructing a "space to be". Then making two houses, "a pl
A house is the simple topic of this studio. A matter of simple complexity. Starting as reference from an architect's drawing and a pavillon; constructing a "space to be". Then making two houses, "a pl
Micro-optics and optical MEMS encompass a wide range of methods, devices and systems that enable precise, high-speed manipulation of light at the wavelength scale. MICRO605 provides a comprehensive i
Ce cours présente différentes facettes de l'optique moderne et met à la fois l'accent sur des bases rigoureuses et des applications pratiques. Le cours inclut une partie théorique avec un cours et des