The prime minister of Finland (Suomen pääministeri; Finlands statsminister) is the leader of the Finnish Government. The prime minister and their cabinet exercise executive authority in the state. The prime minister is formally ranked third in the protocol after the president of Finland and the speaker of the Parliament. Finland's first prime minister, Pehr Evind Svinhufvud (also later the 3rd president of the Finland), was appointed on 27 November 1917, just a few days before the country declared its independence. The incumbent prime minister is Petteri Orpo of the National Coalition Party. Orpo was sworn in on 20 June 2023. In 1918, the Senate of Finland was transformed into the Government of Finland, and the position of vice-chairman of the Economic Division was transformed into that of the prime minister. Kesäranta, located in the westerly Meilahti subdivision of Helsinki, has been the official residence of the prime minister of Finland since 1919. Since its independence in 1917, Finland has had 72 cabinets. The longest lasting have been the two cabinets of prime minister Paavo Lipponen (Lipponen I and Lipponen II), both lasting the entire parliamentary term, or 1,464 days. File:Pääministerien juhlalounas 27.9.2022.jpg|Celebratory lunch of Finland ́s Prime Ministers on 27 September 2022 File:Kesäranta talvella 2.JPG|[[Kesäranta]], the official residence of the Prime Minister of Finland, in [[Taka-Töölö]], [[Helsinki]] The prime minister's appointment follows the parliamentary election, which are scheduled to be held once every four years. Under the provisions of the Constitution of Finland, the president nominates a prime minister after the parties in the parliament have negotiated the distribution of seats in the new cabinet and the government's programme. The parliament must ratify the nominated prime minister with an absolute majority in a confidence vote without other candidates. If the nominee doesn't receive sufficient support, a new round of negotiations and a second nomination by the President follows.