The course deals with the design of precast reinforced concrete structures, both for bridges and for buildings.
The course is focused in learning by projects supplemented by some lectures by the teac
This course deals with the main aspects of seismic design and assessment of buildings including conceptual design. It covers different structural design and evaluation philosophies for new and existin
Ce cours traite les principaux aspects de la conception et du dimensionnement des ponts en béton armé et précontraint. L'accent est mis sur les ponts poutres. Etude des aspects suivants : optimisation
This course will focus on advanced behavioural modelling of reinforced concrete through analytical and numerical methods. It will build on previous studies to further the student's understanding of th
Introduction à la conception et au dimensionnement des ponts en béton armé et précontraint, ainsi qu'en construction mixte. Ce cours porte sur le choix du type de pont, des principales dimensions des
The UE TRC-LC3 Research Platform Fribourg will develop prototypes of structural elements in textile reinforced concrete (TRC) and Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3) concrete that allow the continuat
This course introduces the student to the behaviour and design of reinforced concrete structures. The student will learn the principles of analysis of reinforced concrete and how to design common conc
This course aims at giving students the fundamental knowledge necessary to design, model, and apply Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC) in structures, in a sustainable way. It p
Les propriétés mécaniques et physiques des composites anisotropes ainsi que leurs outils de calcul sont présentés. Les constituants, les mises en oeuvre et les relations microstructure-procédé-proprié
The aim of the course is to review mathematical concepts learned during the bachelor cycle and apply them to concrete problems commonly found in Engineering, and Materials Science in particular.