PHYS-438: Fundamentals of biomedical imagingThe goal of this course is to illustrate how modern principles of basic science approaches are integrated into the major
biomedical imaging modalities of importance to biology and medicine, with an em
BIO-320: Morphology ICe cours est une préparation intensive à l'examen d'entrée en 3ème année de Médecine. Les matières enseignées sont la morphologie macroscopique (anatomie), microscopique (histologie) du corps humain.
CH-401: Advanced nuclear magnetic resonancePrinciples of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and applications to medical imaging. Principles of modern multi-dimensional NMR in liquids and solids. Structure determination of proteins & materials. M
MICRO-512: Image processing IIStudy of advanced image processing; mathematical imaging. Development of image-processing software and prototyping in Jupyter Notebooks; application to real-world examples in industrial vision and bio
EE-536: Physical models for micro and nanosystemsStudents will learn simple theoretical models, the theoretical background of finite element modeling as well as its application to modeling charge, mass and heat transport in electronic, fluidic and e
EE-511: Sensors in medical instrumentationFundamental principles and methods used for physiological signal conditioning. Electrode, optical, resistive, capacitive, inductive, and piezoelectric sensor techniques used to detect and convert phys
PHYS-715: Physical Optics and Advanced ImagingThis course gives an introduction to principles of Fourier and physical optics, numerical propagation, and sampling. On the second half the course covers topics of advanced imaging, including 3 extern
BIOENG-445: Biomedical opticsThis course addresses the principles governing the interactions between light and biological tissue, their optical properties and basic concepts of radiometry. Illustrative diagnostic and therapeutic