
The Super Hero Squad Show

The Super Hero Squad Show is an American superhero animated series produced by Marvel Animation. It is based on the Marvel Super Hero Squad action figure line from Hasbro, which portray the Avengers, the X-Men, and various other characters of the Marvel Universe in a cartoonish super-deformed style. The show is also a self-aware parody of the Marvel characters, with influences taken from on the comedic Mini Marvels series of parody comic books, in that the heroes tend to find themselves in comedic situations, and have cartoonish bents in comparison to their usually serious personalities (such as The Incredible Hulk being jovial and good-natured but with "major anger issues"). The series was produced by Film Roman and Marvel Animation. It is available to stream on Disney+. Prior to the beginning of the series, the villainous Doctor Doom attempts to acquire the limitless reality-bending power of the "Infinity Sword" in pursuit of world domination. Iron Man foils his plan, but the sword is shattered in the process, creating numerous "fractals" that rain down on Super Hero City. Doctor Doom has since forged alliances with various supervillains, forming his Lethal Legion in order to hunt down the scattered fractals. Doom's forces, including his two primary henchmen MODOK and Abomination, dwell in Villainville, which is separated from Super Hero City by a giant wall. Opposing Doom's evil plan is Iron Man, now leading the elite team known as the Super Hero Squad, consisting of himself, Falcon, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Thor, and Wolverine. Marvel initially intended to put Spider-Man in at least one episode of the show, but Sony Pictures Entertainment (who owned Spider-Man's television rights at the time) appears to have chosen not to allow it. However, Spider-Man appeared in games based on the show and other tie-ins. The Super Hero Squad is headquartered in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, and are frequently aided in their defense of Super Hero City by their boss Captain America, S.H.I.E.L.D. leader Ms.
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