The Federation of Green Parties of Africa is an umbrella body of the various national Green parties and environmental parties in Africa. The formal coalition, the African Greens Federation (AGF) formed in 2010 at a conference in Kampala, Uganda. As part of the Global Greens, founded in 2001 in Canberra, Australia, the parties included in the Federation of Green Parties of Africa follow the Global Greens Charter. The organization's permanent administration is in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, where the predominant green organization is the Rassemblement Des Ecologistes du Burkina Faso. These parties tend to, but not always, be left-leaning and often do not have widespread support in their respective countries. Principles of the Global Green Charter include: Participatory Democracy Nonviolence Social justice Sustainability Respect for Diversity Ecological Wisdom Current leadership includes the President, Dr. Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, Papa Meissa Dieng of the Convergence of Ecologists of Senegal (CES) as the Secretary General, and Robinah K. Nanyunja as treasurer. Nanyunja is an environmentalist from Uganda. Goals of the coalition include helping such parties gain more political power, such as joining the parliamentary or legislative bodies. Such was a success for the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, which gained a sufficient percent of the vote in 2018, allowing them to gain representation in the Rwandan parliament. In addition to political parties, the ENGOs, or environmental non-governmental organizations, have played an important role on the continent after colonization in order to push for development and basic needs delivery.