EE-320: Analog IC designIntroduction to the design of analog CMOS integrated circuits at the transistor level. Understanding and design of basic structures.
AR-365: Theory and architectural cultureLe cours offre un résumé de la théorie et la culture architecturales depuis 1789 dans le monde occidentale. Le but est de comprendre des textes dans lesquels l'architecture est définie comme une disci
MICRO-451: Applied and industrial roboticsThis course is a real contact with industrial robotic applications. Components and mechanisms are reminded. The fields of microtechnical assembly and packaging are treated. CTOs from established compa
CS-491: Introduction to IT consultingThis course is an introduction to the alignment of enterprise needs with the possibilities offered by Information Technology (IT). Using a simulated business case, we explore how to define the require
AR-225: History of architecture III/IVThe course investigates the global history of architecture and town planning between the 16th and 19th centuries, its architects and buildings, and highlights the theoretical, artistic and technical i
NX-422: Neural interfacesNeural interfaces (NI) are bioelectronic systems that interface the nervous system to digital technologies. This course presents their main building blocks (transducers, instrumentation & communicatio
AR-597(a): Superstudio ASous le titre "DOMESTICATED FOODSCAPES", Superstudio explore des perspectives oubliées et des approches proactives pour repositionner l'architecture dans le contexte de l'alimentation.