Transfinite inductionTransfinite induction is an extension of mathematical induction to well-ordered sets, for example to sets of ordinal numbers or cardinal numbers. Its correctness is a theorem of ZFC. Let be a property defined for all ordinals . Suppose that whenever is true for all , then is also true. Then transfinite induction tells us that is true for all ordinals. Usually the proof is broken down into three cases: Zero case: Prove that is true. Successor case: Prove that for any successor ordinal , follows from (and, if necessary, for all ).
Well-founded relationIn mathematics, a binary relation R is called well-founded (or wellfounded or foundational) on a class X if every non-empty subset S ⊆ X has a minimal element with respect to R, that is, an element m ∈ S not related by s R m (for instance, "s is not smaller than m") for any s ∈ S. In other words, a relation is well founded if Some authors include an extra condition that R is set-like, i.e., that the elements less than any given element form a set.
Well-orderIn mathematics, a well-order (or well-ordering or well-order relation) on a set S is a total order on S with the property that every non-empty subset of S has a least element in this ordering. The set S together with the well-order relation is then called a well-ordered set. In some academic articles and textbooks these terms are instead written as wellorder, wellordered, and wellordering or well order, well ordered, and well ordering. Every non-empty well-ordered set has a least element.
Well-ordering theoremIn mathematics, the well-ordering theorem, also known as Zermelo's theorem, states that every set can be well-ordered. A set X is well-ordered by a strict total order if every non-empty subset of X has a least element under the ordering. The well-ordering theorem together with Zorn's lemma are the most important mathematical statements that are equivalent to the axiom of choice (often called AC, see also ). Ernst Zermelo introduced the axiom of choice as an "unobjectionable logical principle" to prove the well-ordering theorem.
Limit ordinalIn set theory, a limit ordinal is an ordinal number that is neither zero nor a successor ordinal. Alternatively, an ordinal λ is a limit ordinal if there is an ordinal less than λ, and whenever β is an ordinal less than λ, then there exists an ordinal γ such that β < γ < λ. Every ordinal number is either zero, or a successor ordinal, or a limit ordinal. For example, the smallest limit ordinal is ω, the smallest ordinal greater than every natural number. This is a limit ordinal because for any smaller ordinal (i.
Successor ordinalIn set theory, the successor of an ordinal number α is the smallest ordinal number greater than α. An ordinal number that is a successor is called a successor ordinal. The ordinals 1, 2, and 3 are the first three successor ordinals and the ordinals ω+1, ω+2 and ω+3 are the first three infinite successor ordinals. Every ordinal other than 0 is either a successor ordinal or a limit ordinal.
Epsilon numberIn mathematics, the epsilon numbers are a collection of transfinite numbers whose defining property is that they are fixed points of an exponential map. Consequently, they are not reachable from 0 via a finite series of applications of the chosen exponential map and of "weaker" operations like addition and multiplication. The original epsilon numbers were introduced by Georg Cantor in the context of ordinal arithmetic; they are the ordinal numbers ε that satisfy the equation in which ω is the smallest infinite ordinal.
Axiom of dependent choiceIn mathematics, the axiom of dependent choice, denoted by , is a weak form of the axiom of choice () that is still sufficient to develop most of real analysis. It was introduced by Paul Bernays in a 1942 article that explores which set-theoretic axioms are needed to develop analysis. A homogeneous relation on is called a total relation if for every there exists some such that is true. The axiom of dependent choice can be stated as follows: For every nonempty set and every total relation on there exists a sequence in such that for all In fact, x0 may be taken to be any desired element of X.
Order typeIn mathematics, especially in set theory, two ordered sets X and Y are said to have the same order type if they are order isomorphic, that is, if there exists a bijection (each element pairs with exactly one in the other set) such that both f and its inverse are monotonic (preserving orders of elements). In the special case when X is totally ordered, monotonicity of f already implies monotonicity of its inverse. One and the same set may be equipped with different orders.
Axiom of limitation of sizeIn set theory, the axiom of limitation of size was proposed by John von Neumann in his 1925 axiom system for sets and classes. It formalizes the limitation of size principle, which avoids the paradoxes encountered in earlier formulations of set theory by recognizing that some classes are too big to be sets. Von Neumann realized that the paradoxes are caused by permitting these big classes to be members of a class. A class that is a member of a class is a set; a class that is not a set is a proper class.