The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory of a few remarkable phenomena of modern condensed matter physics ranging from the quantum Hall effects to superconductivity.
This course aims to introduce the transport behaviors of micron-size systems, emphasizing learning about recent path-breaking experiments on 2D systems such as Graphene and other vad der Waala materia
The course is aimed at giving a general understanding and building a feeling of what electronic states inside a crystal are.
The goal of the course is to provide the physics and technology basis for controlled fusion research, from the main elements of plasma physics to the reactor concepts.
Twisted Bilayer Graphene (TBG) is a change of paradigm in condensed matter: with flat topologic bands, it provides a platform for unconventional superconductivity, correlated insulation, Plankian meta
This course will give an overview of the experimental state of the art of quantum technology for Quantum Information Processing (QIP). We will explore some of the most promising approaches for realizi
The course provides an overview of the technologies that are essential for fusion developments and for industrial plasma applications, highlighting the synergies between the two fields. The aim is to
Solid State Physics IV provides a materials and experimental technique oriented introduction to the electronic and magnetic
properties of strongly correlated electron systems. Established knowledge is
Topics covered: Superfluidity in weakly interacting Bose gas, the random phase approximation to the Coulomb interaction in the Jellium model, superconductivity within the random phase approximation, t
Ce cours de deux semestres donne une introduction à la Physique du solide, à la structure cristalline, aux vibrations du réseau, aux propriétés électroniques, de transport thermique et électrique ains